Saturday, April 5, 2014

Flying Animal Sidekicks

The Bees and Little Eagles made a triumphant return to clay! Relating to our prior superhero collage project, the students built their own flying animal sidekicks. They independently chose an animal to help them fight evil and contribute to their superhero abilities.

The students quickly learned a new construction technique and demonstrated greater proficiency using clay since their first clay project earlier this school year. I did a quick clay demonstration for them, and then the students autonomously constructed their own sculptures. Demonstrated below, we used the "log method":

First, we rolled a log

After flattening it a little, we cut out two triangle slices on either end.

Next, we arched our sculptures into animal form, shaping the legs (if applicable). This method is easier than attaching an animal's legs using separate pieces because clay is vulnerable to cracking and falling apart once dry. Once our clay was a stable and structural form, we added texture and details using a variety of tools.

 After the sculptures dried, we painted our animal sidekicks using animal references for inspiration.

Lastly, the students added a layer of gloss to protect them and make shiny. 



Cat (appropriately named Hairball)



Horse (with wings)


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